Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ousted by "The Team"

Has anyone heard of "The Team?"

I was told this was a MonaVie distribution group and I was invited to attend a meeting with them last night at local hotel.

10 minutes before the meeting was to start, I was informed that I couldn't attend as my upline was not a "Team" member.

This is a bit strange. I also heard that the "Team" is getting very special pricing discounts on MonaVie products. This seems very odd and unfair to the rest of us. If this is true, we are competing against members of the same company. I also heard that they are allowed to sell their products online and even visited a website of one of it's members that had MonaVie juice products for sale. Isn't this against the company policy?

The whole thing left a bad taste im my mouth. I would apprciate any comments on this subject and I hope I am wrong about it.


  1. Hi Eric! Nice Blog, this is a great idea! Where did you get the information about "The Team" and that they get the product at a lower cost than the "general public"?

  2. Thanks for being my first commenter!

    This was by word of mouth from a "Team" member. He indicated that once a member, you get steep disocunts over non-team distributors. He indicated that "The-Team" negotiated a private deal with MonaVie. I am speculating, but from what I can tell, "The Team," was put together by an ex-Amway group. This group promised MonaVie to bring their current ranks (I am guessing 1,000s of people) over all together, if they get the discount with MonaVie.

    I know this is a private company and probably would be free to do so, but if true, it seems really unfair.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I was emailed by a "Team" member who told me that discounts are only for marketing materials, training materials and clothing.

    That puts my mind to rest a bit. Anyone have any other thoughts to ad?

