Monday, November 3, 2008

First Ventures in Selling and Signing up my first Distributor

One of my main concerns with any MLM company is their reliance on selling to friends and family and with my past MLM company, I ran into that right away. I guess I just wasn't passionate enough about the products to sell to family or friends. However, with MonaVie, I know am so passionate about it, I want all of my friends and family to use it and if they like to join the company.

On my first day after enrollment, I introduced it to my sister in law Mary as my first distributor. She will be on TDY for the military for the next six months in an area that probably will not be able to support her as a distributor, but I hope that she will at least be able to receive an auto shipment. It will take a couple of months before we find out if it will work. She also needs to do a lot of traveling, so the packets might be a better fit for her in the short term.

Now, how do I get my next customer or distributor to sign up. I have approched several relatives and have sent them a bottle through the mail. They live far away in other states so it may be difficult to pitch them effectively. I know they will love the product, but not sure they will want to become distributors. Is there any downside for signing up as a distributor right away? I'm guessing if you are a regular consumer of the product, the $40 membership fee is trivial compared to the savings over a year.

I am still not entirely sure how to sell the product. I have started reading the MAP book which one of my up lines sent me, but have many more questions than answers at this point. How can you advertise tastings? Are there any other distributors in my area? What materials do I need to have on hand to introduce new prospects?

Being in Wisconsin seems to be a bit of a blessing and a curse. I haven't found any other distributors here yet, or have seen and tastings or events posted within a reasonable drive time. There seems to be an active group in Indiana, but surprisingly I haven't seen anything in Milwaukee or Chicago. I could be a great thing to be amongst the first in my area.

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